Q&A with Kathryn Joel
August 12, 2021
Q&A with Holly Regel – Director, Social Impact Partnerships at ATB Financial
September 15, 2021September is a month often full of new beginnings and settling into new routines. Read on for a few thoughts on getting that new start on track by reflecting on the past and striving for success through failures.
New Beginnings: How to Move Forward and Leave the Past Behind
Letting go of the past and starting over can seem like a terrifying and daunting task, especially when in recovery. Everyone must find the best approach to making a new life in recovery and this requires many difficult choices. However, those choices are not forever and are constantly changing. With new information, new goals, new friends, hope, and courage all things are possible.
- Create distance when necessary – it doesn’t have to be forever
- Set personal boundaries with family and friends
- Let go of fear
- Forgive yourself
- Cultivate new friends
- Create a plan
Read more on leaving the past behind and moving forward to new beginnings.
Life Lessons to Help You Learn & Grow
Carol Kivler is a nationally recognized mental health speaker, international executive coach/trainer, and author. Most importantly, she is a passionate consumer advocate for mental health. On her website, you can find many short discussion topics such as this which act to open conversations about mental health and offer advice on how to take care of yours. Read more about the importance of lifelong learning and adapting as you grow.
Are You Living in the Past?
Are the ways you protected yourself in childhood negatively impacting your life today? In this article, Tina Gilbertson talks about the difference between self-protection and overcompensating for past pain. Offering ideas on how to navigate through our pain to lead new healthy lives with healthy relationships despite the pain of the past.
Quiz: Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?
With school right around the corner answer these questions to see if you still have what it takes to make it through the fifth grade.
Actor Dax Shepard on Vulnerability, and Finding Success Through Failure
CBC radio host Matt Galloway in conversation with American actor, writer, and director Dax Shepard who says we can learn more from people’s failures than from their successes — because there’s solace to be found in being honest about the hardships we face in life. Listen to the entire episode here.